


陆晔,男,1980年4月生,于2009年获得美国麻省理工学院运筹学博士学位, 现为中国科学技术大学管理学院教授。加入中科大前,曾长期任职香港城市大学商学院并获得终身职位。




陆晔,男,1980年4月生,籍贯安徽合肥,于2009年获得美国麻省理工学院运筹学博士学位, 现为中国科学技术大学教授。



1998.09--2002.07   清华大学数学系应用数学专业本科生

2002.08--2006.08   美国圣母大学数学系数学专业博士研究生

2006.09--2009.07   美国麻省理工学院运筹学中心运筹学专业博士研究生

2009.07                   香港城市大学商学院管理科学系教师

2015.07                   香港城市大学商学院副教授(终身职位)

2015.03--2017.11   任香港城市大学商学院博士项目主任

2017.04--2017.11   任香港城市大学商学院助理院长


1. P. Hu, Y. Lu, and M. Song. 2018. Joint Pricing and Inventory Control with Fixed and Convex/Concave Variable Costs. Forthcoming in Production and Operations Management.

2. Y. Lu, M. Song and Y. Yang. 2018.  Approximation Approaches for Inventory Systems with General Production/Ordering Cost Structures.  Production and Operations Management. Vol. 27, pp. 417-432.

3. X. Yan, X. Chao, Y. Lu, and X. Zhou. 2017. Optimal Policies for Selling New and Remanufactured Products. Production and Operations Management. Vol. 26, pp. 1746-1759.

4. Y. Lu, M. Song, and Y. Yang.  2016. Joint Inventory and Pricing Coordination with Incomplete Demand Information. Production and Operations Management. Vol. 25, pp. 701-718.

5. Y. Lu and M. Song. 2014. Inventory control with a fixed cost and piecewise linear convex variable production cost. Production and Operations Management. Vol. 23, pp. 1966-1984.

6. Y. Lu, Y. Chen, M. Song and X. Yan. 2014. Optimal pricing and inventory control policy with quantity-based price differentiation.  Operations Research. Vol.62, pp. 512-523.

7. Y. Lu and D. Simchi-Levi. 2013. On the unimodality of the profit function of the pricing newsvendor. Production and Operations Management. Vol. 22, pp. 615-625.

8. M. Xu and Y. Lu. 2013. The effect of supply uncertainty in price-setting newsvendor models. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 227, pp.423-433.

9. L. Wu, X. Chen, Y. Lu, and Y. Yuan, 2013. Stability and allocation in a three-player game.  AsiaPacific Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 30(3) 1340014.

10. Y.  Chen, Y.  Lu and M. Xu. 2012.  Optimal  inventory  control  policy  for  periodic‐ review  inventory  systems  with  inventory‐level‐dependent  demands.  Naval Research Logistics. Vol.56, pp. 430-440.

11. Y. Lu, A. Ozdaglar, and D. Simchi‐ Levi. 2011. Stock repurchase with an adaptive reservation price: a study of the greedy policy.  Operations Research Letter, Vol.  39, pp. 22 ‐ 27.

12. Y. Lu and Y. Yuan. 2008. An interior‐point trust‐region polynomial algorithm for convex quadratic minimization over general convex constraints.  Optimization Methods and Software (23), pp. 251-258.

13. Y.  Lu and Y. Yuan.   2007.  An interior‐point trust‐region algorithm for general symmetric cone programming.  SIAM Journal on Optimization.  18, pp.  65 ‐ 86.

14. Y.  Lu, D. Bates, A. Sommese, and C. Wampler.  2007.  Finding all real points of a complex curve.  Contemporary Mathematics.  448, pp. 183 ‐ 206.

15. L.  Faybusovich and Y. Lu.  2006.  Jordan‐algebraic aspects of nonconvex optimization over symmetric cones.  Applied Mathematics and Optimization.  53, pp. 67 ‐ 77.








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