



  • 中文名:黄文
  • 所在单位:数院数学系
  • 学历:博士(中国科学技术大学,2003)
  • 职称:教授
  • 研究方向:动力系统
  • 籍贯:四川省彭州市







2004.4.1- 2004.12.11赴美国乔治亚理工学院数学院访问.
2004.12.12-2005.11.29赴法国马赛Institut de Mathematique de Luminy访问.
2007.2.4-2007.2.7赴韩国Ajou University数学系访问. 
2009.2.20-2010.5 赴美国乔治亚理工学院数学院访问.


3.2004.7.20- 2004.7.24参加美国stanford大学数学系召开的Ornstein fest会议;
4.2005.7.4-2005.7.8参加法国CIMR召开的Systèmes dynamiques en dimension infinie 
5.2007.6.17-2007.6.23, Visegrad Conference Dynamical Systems, High Tatras 2007, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia (报告题目: Stable sets and stable sets in positive entropy systems)
6. 2009.3. 27-29, 2009 AMS Spring Central Sectional Meeting, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA
7. 2012.1.23-27, "First Chilean-French conference in Dynamics and Combinatorics", Cap Hornu, Baie de Somme, France
(报告题目:Nil Bohr_0-sets, Poincaré recurrence and generalized polynomials)
8. 2012.8.6-11参加丹麦奥尔堡召开的International Congress on Mathematical Physics 
9.2012.10.22-26参加美国IMA的IMA Annual Program Year Workshop
Random Dynamical Systems
10.2012.12.10-14参加香港中文大学举办的International conference on Advances of Fractals and Related Topics(报告题目:Stable sets in Zn-systems with positive entropy)

1. 1998年8月9-12日, 动力系统国际会议,北京大学
2. 2005年7月19-23日, International conference of dynamical systems, 黄山.
3.2006.5.24-2006.5.30参加台湾NCTS召开的International Conference on Chaos and Dynamical Complexity.
4. 2006年12月15-19日, International Conference on Bifurcation Theory of Dynamical Systems and Related Topics, 北京大学 (报告题目: The size of scrambled sets)
5. 2007年7月15日-21日,2007柳州拓扑动力系统、遍历理论国际学术研讨会, 广西柳州师专 (报告题目:Local theory of Pressure)
6. 2007年8月1日至14日, 第二届“全国动力系统暑期学校”, 吉林大学 (报告题目:Periodicity, Almost Periodicity and Almost autumorphic)


1. 2006.8.3, 香港中文大学数学系, The Local Theory of Entropy (Part 1);
2006.8.8, 香港中文大学数学系, The Local Theory of Entropy (Part 2);
2006.8.10, 香港中文大学数学系, The Local Theory of Entropy (Part 3); 
2006.8.15, 香港中文大学数学系, The Local Theory of Entropy (Part 4);
2. 2008.2.16, 香港中文大学数学系, Stable sets and scrambled sets in positive entropy systems (I)(II)


    办 公 室           管理科研楼1315    

 办公电话          0551-63600709    

 电子邮件          wenh@mail.ustc.edu.cn    


学时: E 80, S 60, F 40, T 30, Tw 120


1. 2001.9-2002.1 微积分A1(主讲) S
2. 2002.2-2002.7 微积分A3(主讲) S
3. 2002.9-2003.1 复变函数A(主讲) S
4. 2003.2-2003.7 拓扑学(助教) E 
5. 2004.2-2004.4 近世代数(主讲) T 41 
6. 2006.2-2006.7 拓扑学(主讲) F 134
7. 2006.9-2007.1 复变函数A(主讲) S 165
8.2007.2-2007.7 泛函分析(主讲) E 155
9.2007.9-2008.1 泛函分析(主讲) E 122
10.2008.2-2008.7 实变函数(主讲) E  
11.2010.9-2011.1 数学分析B1(主讲)Tw 70
11.2011.2-2011.7 拓扑学(主讲) E 
12.2011.9-2012.1 数学分析3(主讲) T 

13.2012.2-2012.6 数学分析B2(主讲) Tw

14.2013.9-2014.1  泛函分析(主讲) E 29

15.2016.9-2016.12 动力系统引论(主讲) F 4

16.2017.2-2017.6  拓扑学 (主讲)E 23

17.2017.9-2018.1 泛函分析(主讲) E23


1. 2006.2-2006.7 遍历理论I(主讲) E 4
2. 2006.9-2007.1 遍历理论II(主讲) F 7
3. 2007.9-2008.1 遍历理论(主讲) F 7
4. 2010.9-2011.1 动力系统选讲II(主讲)E 8
5. 2011.9-2012.1 遍历理论I(主讲) F 10
6. 2012.2-2012.6 遍历理论II(主讲) F 6

7.2013.2-2013.7  遍历理论II(主讲) F

8.2014.2-2014.7   遍历理论II(主讲) F

9.2018.3-2018.6   拓扑动力系统(主讲) F


研究方向:遍历理论及拓扑动力系统(Research field: Ergodic Theory and topological dynamics)



当前, 主要学习和研究的是:
1). 熵理论及其与数论相关联方面:
a).熵和混沌理论:  熵的局部化理论、





                    Furstenberg X2,X3猜测(零熵?)、Little-wood猜测等--齐性空间动力系统

c). 熵与维数:Furstenberg与维数相关的猜测、


d). weak-Pinsker猜测、代数系统中与熵有关的问题(学习中) 

2). 遍历理论与数论、微分方程相关联问题方面:

 j)SPDE和Ergodicity for Infinite Dimensional systems(学习中).

发表的论文(Published, 标注了*的文章是与微分方程相关)

1. W. Huang and X. Ye, Non-wandering sets of powers of map of a tree, Science in China A, 44 (2001), no. 1, 31--39.  (Jan 2001)

2. W. Huang and X. Ye, Homeomorphisms with the whole compacta being scrambled sets, Ergod. Th. and Dynam. Sys., 21(2001), 77-91. (Feb ,2001)

3. W. Huang and X. Ye, Devaney's chaos and 2-scattering imply Li-Yorke's chaos, Topology Appli., 117(2002), 259-272. (Feb ,2002)

4. W. Huang and X. Ye, An explicit scattering, non-weakly mixing example and weak disjointness, Nonlinearity, 15(2002), 849-862. (May ,2002) 

5. W. Huang, S. Li, S. Shao and X. Ye, Null systems and sequence entropy pairs, Ergod. Th. and Dynam. Sys.. 23(2003), 1505-1523. (OCT 2003)

6. W. Huang, S. Shao and X. Ye, Mixing and proximal cell along sequences, Nonlinearity, 17(2004), No 4, 1245-1260. (Jul 2004)

7. W. Huang and X. Ye, Minimal sets in almost equicontinuous systems, Proc. of the Steklov Inst. of Math., Vol 244(2004), 280-287. (Feb 2004) 

8. W. Huang and X. Ye, Topological complexity, return times and weak disjointness, Ergod. Th. and Dynam. Sys., 24(2004), No.3, 825-846. (JUL 2004)

9. W. Huang, A. Maass, P. P. Romagnoli and X. Ye, Entropy pairs and a local abramov formula for the MTE of open covers, Ergod. Th. and Dynam. Sys., 24(2004), No.4, 1127-1153. (Aug 2004)

10. W.Huang, A. Maass and X. Ye, Sequence entropy pairs and complexity pairs for a measure, Annales de l\'Institut Fourier, 54(2004), No.4, 1005-1028. (Aug 2004)

11. W.Huang and X.Ye, Dynamical systems disjoint from any minimal system, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357 (2005), 669-694. (Feb 2005)

12. W. Huang, S. Shao and X. Ye, Mixing via sequence entropy, Contemporary Mathematics, vol 385(2005), 101-122. (2005)

13. W.Huang and X.Ye, A local variational relation and applications, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 151(2006), 237-280. (Feb 2006)

14. W.Huang, X.Ye and G.Zhang, A local variational principle for conditional entropy, Ergod. Th.and Dynam. Sys., 26(2006), No.1, 219-245. (Feb 2006)

15. D.Dou, W.Huang and X.Ye, Null flows and null functions on R, Journal of Dynamics and differential equations, 18(2006),no. 1, 197-221. (Jan 2006)

16. W.Huang, Tame systems and scrambled pairs under an abelian group action, Ergod. Th.and Dynam. Sys., 26(2006),no. 4, 1549-1567. (OCT 2006)

17. W.Huang, K.K.Park and X.Ye, Topological disjointness from entropy zero systems. Bull. Soc. Math. France 135 (2007), no. 2, 259--282. (March 2007)

18. W.Huang, X.Ye and G.Zhang, Relative entrope tuples, Relative U.P.E. and C.P.E. extensions, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 158(2007), 249-283. (March 2007) 

19. W. Huang and Y. Yi, A local variational principle of pressure and its applications to equilibrium states, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 161(2007), 29-74. (OCT 2007) 

20. F.Blanchard, W.Huang and L.Snoha, Topological size of scrambled sets, Colloq. Math. 110(2008),no.2, 293-361. (March 2008) 

21. F.Blanchard and W.Huang, Entropy set, weakly mixing set and Entropy capacity,Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Ser. A. 20(2008), No.2, 275 - 311. (Feb 2008) 

22. Y.Cao, D.Feng and W.Huang, The thermodynamic formalism for sub-multiplicative potentials, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Ser. A., 20(2008), No.3, 639-657. (Mar 2008)

23. W. Huang, Stable sets and e-stable sets in positive-entropy systems, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 279(2008), No.2, 535-557. (APR 2008)

24. W.Huang and X.Ye, Combinatorial lemmas and applications to dynamics, Advance in Mathematics, 220(2009), No. 6, 1689-1716.(APR 2009)

*25. W.Huang and Y.F.Yi, Almost periodically forced circle flows, Journal of Functional Analysis, 257 (2009) 832–902. (Aug 2009)

26. W.Huang, X.Ye and G. Zhang, Lowering topological entropy over subsets, Ergod. Th.and Dynam. Sys., (2010), 30, 181–209.(Feb 2010)

27. D.J. Feng and W. Huang, Lyapunov spectrum of asymptotically sub-additive potentials, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 297(2010), no.1, 1-43.(JUL 2010)

28. E. Akin, E. Glasner, W. Huang, S. Shao and X. Ye, Sufficient conditions under which a transitive system is chaotic, Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. (2010), 30, 1277-1310.(OCT 2010)

29. D.Dou, W.Huang and K.K.Park, Entropy dimension of topological dynamical systems, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363 (2011), 659-680. (FEB 2011)

*30. S.N.Chow, W.Huang, Y.Li and H.M.Zhou, A free energy based mathematical study for molecular motors, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 16(2011),No.1-2, 117-127.(Feb 2011)

31. W. Huang, X. Ye and G. Zhang, Local entropy theory for a countable discrete amenable group action, Journal of Functional Analysis, 261(2011) No.4, 1028-1082. (AUG 2011)

32. W.Huang, P. Lu and X.Ye, Measure-theoretical sensitivity and equicontinuity, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 183(2011), 233-284.(JUL 2011)

*33. W.Huang, L.Xu and Y.Yi, Entropy of dynamical systems with repetition property, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 23(2011), No.3, 683-693. (SEP 2011) 

*34. S.N.Chow, W.Huang, Y.Li and H.M. Zhou, Fokker-Planck Equations for a Free Energy Functional or Markov Process on a graph, Arch. Rational. Mech. Analysis.,203(2012),no.3, 969-1008. (Mar 2012) 

*35. W.Huang and Y.Yi, On Lyapunov exponents of continuous Schrodinger cocycles over irrational rotations, Proceedings of the AMS, 140(2012), 1957-1962. ( ?, 2012) 

36.C.Fang, W.Huang, Y.Yi and P.Zhang, Dimensions of stable sets and scrambled sets in positive finite entropy systems, Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 32(2012), no.2,599-628. (?,2012)

37. W.Huang, H.F.Li and X.Ye, Family-independence for topological and measurable dynamics, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 364 (2012), 5209-5242.

38. W.Huang and X.Ye, Generic eginvalue, generic factor and weak disjointness, Contem. Math, 567(2012), 119-142.

39. W.Huang and P.Zhang, Pointwise Dimension, entropy and lyapunov exponents for C^1 maps, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 364 (2012), no.12, 6355-6370.

40. D.J. Feng and W.Huang, Variational principles for topological entropies of subsets, Journal of Functional Analysis, 263(2012), no.8, 2228-2254. (OCT, 2012)

41. W.Huang and WX.Shen, Analytic skew products of quadratic polynomials over circle expanding maps, Nonlinearity, 26(2013), no.2, 389-404. (Feb, 2013)
42. W.Huang, J.Li and X.Ye, Stable sets and mean Li-Yorke chaos in positive entropy systems, Journal of Functional Analysis, 266(2014), no.6, 3377-3394.  
43. W.Huang, X.Ye and G.Zhang, Lowering topological entropy over subsets Revisited, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 366(2014), no.8, 4423–4442. 

44. D.J.Feng, W.Huang and H.Rao, Affine embeddings and Intersections of Cantor sets, J. Math. Pures  Appl., 102(2014), no.6, 1062-1079.

45. W.Huang, L.Xu and Y.Yi, Asymptotic pair, stable set and chaos in positive entropy systems, Journal of functional analysis, 268(2015), no.6, 824-846. 

*46. W.Huang, M.Ji, Z.Liu and Y.Yi, Integral Identity and Measure Estimates for Stationary Fokker-Planck Equations, Ann. Probab., 43(2015),no.4, 1712–1730.

47.W.Huang and X.Ye, A note on double minimality. Commun.Math.Stat. 3(2015), no.1,57–61.

*48. W.Huang, M.Ji, Z.Liu and Y.Yi,  Steady states of Fokker-Planck equations: I. Eixstence,  J. Dynam. Differential Equations  27 (2015),  no. 3-4, 721-742.

*49.W.Huang, M.Ji, Z.Liu and Y.Yi,  Steady states of Fokker-Planck equations: II. Non-eixstence,  J. Dynam. Differential Equations  27  (2015),  no. 3-4, 743-762.

50. W.Huang, S.Shao and X.Ye, Niels Bohr-sets and almost automorphy of higher order, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 241(2016), 1143, vi+83pp.  

51.W.Huang, M.Ji, Z.Liu and Y.Yi,  Stochastic stability of measures in gradient systems, Physical D. 314(2016), 9-17.

52.W.Huang, D.Khilko, S.Kolyada and G.Zhang,  Dynamical compactness and sensitivity, J.Differential Equation, 260(2016), no.9, 6800-6827. arXiv:1509.08813 

*53.W.Huang, M.Ji, Z.Liu and Y.Yi, Steady states of Fokker-Planck equations: III. Degenerate Diffusion,  J. Dynam. Differential Equations, 28(2016),no.1,127-141.  

54.F. Magdalena, W.Huang, J.Li and P.Oprocha, Invariant scrambled sets, uniform rigidity and weak mixing,  Israel J. Math. 211 (2016), no. 1, 447–472.  arXiv:1410.7118  

*55.R. Che, W. Huang, Y. Li and P. Tetali, Convergence to global  equilibrium for Fokker-Planck equations on a graph and Talagrand-type inequalities, J.Differential Equations, 261(2016), no.4, 2552-2583. arXiv:1409.0711

56. D.J.Feng and W.Huang, Variational Principle for Weighted topological Pressure, J.Math. Pures. Appl.,  2016(106), no.3, 411-452 . (september 2016) arXiv:1412.0078

57.W.Huang and X.Zhou, Recurrent sets, entropy and independence, Contem. math. (A volume based on "Dynamics and numbers" activity ), 2016(669), 123-136.

58.W.Huang, L.Jin and X.Ye, On extensions overs semigroup and applications, Entropy, 2016(18), no.6:230. (Entropic properties of dynamical systems)

59.W.Huang and L.Jin, Stable sets and mean Li-Yorke chaos in positive entropy actions of bi-orderable amenable groups, Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys., 36(2016),no.8, 2482-2497.

60.W.Huang, J.Li, X.Ye and X.Zhou, Positive topological entropy and Δ-weakly mixing sets, Adv.Math., 306(2017), 653-683. arXiv:1504.07520 

61.W.Huang, Z.Lian, S.Shao and X.Ye, Sequences from zero entropy noncommutative toral automorphisms and Sarnak Conjecture, J. Differential Equations 263 (2017), no. 1, 779–810. arXiv:1510.06022

62.W.Huang, S. Shao and X.Ye,  Strictly Ergodic Models Under Face and Parallelepiped Group Actions. Commun. Math. Stat. 5(2017), no.1, 93-122.

63. W.Huang and X.Wu, On the set of the difference of primes,  Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.  145(2017), 3787-3793.   arXiv:1505.00187

64. W.Huang and K.Lu, Entropy, Chaos and Weak Horseshoe for Infinite Dimensional Random Dynamical systems, Comm.Pure Appl.Math. 70 (2017),  no. 10, 1987-2036.   http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cpa.21698/full. 

65. Y.Gutman, W.Huang, S.Shao and X.Ye,  Almost sure convergence of the multiple ergodic average for certain weakly mixing systems, Acta Math Sinica 34(2018), no.1, 79-90.

66.W.Huang, S.Kolyada and G.Zhang, Analogues of Auslander-Yorke  theorems for multi-sensitivity, Ergod.Th.&Dynam.Sys. 38(2018), no.2, 651-665. arXiv:1509.08818

*67. W.Huang, M.Ji, Z.Liu and Y.Yi,  Concentration and limit behaviors of stationary measures, Physics D. 369(2018), 1-17.

Finite Intersection Property and Dynamical Compactness. 30 (2018),no. 3,<span font-size:16px;"=""> 1221–1245


 69.W.Huang, S.Shao and X.Ye, Topological correspondence of multiple ergodic averages, J.Anal.Math., 2016, accepted, arxiv:1542844. 

 70. W.Huang, S.Shao and X.Ye,   Pointwise convergence of multiple ergodic averages and strictly ergodic models, J.Anal.Math.  2017, accepted.  arXiv:1406.5930

71. D.Dou, W.Huang and K.K.Park, Entropy dimension of Measure-preserving systems, Trans.Amer. Math. Soc.,  2018, accepted.  arXiv:1312.7225

72. W.Huang, Z. Wang and G. Zhang, Möbius disjointness for topological models of ergodic systems with discrete spectrum, J.Mod.Dyn., 2018, accepted.  arXiv:1608.08289

73. W.Huang, L.Xu and X.Ye, A minimal distal map on the torus with sub-exponential measure complexity,  Ergod.Th. &Dynam.Sys. ,2018, accepted.


74.W.Huang and Z.Lian, Horseshoe and periodic orbits for quasi-periodic forced systems, submitted 2016, arXiv:1612.08394.

75. W.Huang,Z.Wang and X.Ye,  Measure complexity and Möbius disjointness, submitted 2017.


76. W.Huang, L.Jian,J.Thouvent,L.Xu and X.Ye, 2018, arxiv:1806.02980. 

77. W.Huang, S.Shao and X.Ye, 2018, arXiv:1807.10155.

78.S.Feng, R.Gao, W.Huang and Z. Lian, draft, 2018.

79.W.Huang, Z.Lian and K.Lu, draft, 2018.

80.W.Huang and X.Lu, draft, 2018.

81.W.Huang, J.Li and X.Ye, draft, 2018.

正在撰写的(In preparation)

82. W.Huang, H.F. Li and X.Ye, Localization and dynamical Ramsey property, draft.
*83. W.Huang, K.Lu and Q.Wang, draft.

84.E.C. Chen, W.Huang, X.Ye and X.Zhou, draft 2014

85. W. Huang, S. Shao and X.D. Ye, Regionally proximal relation of order $d$ along arithmetic progressions and nilsystems, draft, 2016

86. ....

学术专著和综述性文章(book and survey)

a. 叶向东、黄文和邵松,《拓扑动力系统概论》,2008年出版,科学出版社.
b. 黄文和叶向东,动力系统复杂性与点串,中国科学院研究生院学报, 2006年第05期, 701-707. 
c.Y. Li, G. Dwivedi, W. Huang, Melissa Kemp and Y. Yi, Quantification of degeneracy in biological systems for characterization of functional interactions between modules, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2012(302),29-38. (方程、生物文章,所以作者未按姓氏排名,按贡献)

d. 冯世林、高睿、 黄文, 正熵系统的稳定集,中国科学-数学, 2016接受. (中文综述)








中国科学技术大学 ©2018-2022